Sacred Heart Parish
Sacred Heart Parish
Williams Lake, BC
UPDATED: May 26, 2020
NOTE: The 11:00AM Mass will continue to be live-streamed, for Folks who choose to forgo Church attendance at this time.
Dear Parishioners,
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we prepare to celebrate Mass publicly again.
If you have not done so already I'm asking that you sign up for one of our scheduled Masses. We are limited to having 50 total people in attendance (including myself), and having you sign up helps us to regulate our numbers. As I write close to 140 people have already signed up - which is fantastic. Thank you for your cooperation. As the Masses fill up some of you may not be able to attend the Mass you normally would, or the Mass you would like, but nonetheless we should have enough spaces available to accommodate you in one of our scheduled Masses.
If you are aware of someone who you think would like to attend Mass on the weekend, but they have not received our information please consider reaching out to them and invite them to sign up, either online for by phoning the parish office.
Coming back to Mass will not be "business as normal" as we are bound to follow both the provincial guidelines and our own diocesan guidelines. The biggest change, outside of the limited number of participants, will be the keeping of our distance while in the church, checking in with a volunteer before entering the church, receiving communion from a masked priest and an overall awkwardness that things aren't the same. However, while these, and other changes, are not permanent, they are what is required now. In light of the beauty of celebrating together again, and for many of you receiving Jesus in the Eucharist after a fast of months, I trust that the sacrifices we make and the awkwardness we experience will be outweighed by the glory and grace of our good God.
There will be more updates to follow, including the celebration of weekday Masses, but in the meantime thank you again for your cooperation, patience and understanding as we prepare for a beautiful Pentecost Sunday.
Fr Paul
Fr Paul Simms
Sacred Heart Parish
450 Pigeon Rd
Williams Lake, BC
V2G 2A9
UPDATED: May 25, 2020
Dear Parishioners,
We are moving forward in our efforts to celebrate Mass publicly. We have arranged a number of Masses for this upcoming weekend. Below is a link to the sign up page for the Masses. At this time we are asking that you sign up just for one Mass and indicate how many people in your household will be attending.
Here are some instructions on how to sign up:
1. Click on the link below
2. Select the little red box of the date and time you would like to attend
3. Near the bottom of the page there will be a box that says "Submit and Sign Up", click on that box
4. Select the quantity of people attending Mass from your household.
5. Write down the names of family members attending with you in the "family members" section
6. Write your own name where required
7. Click "Sign Up Now"
8. You're Finished
Fr Paul Simms
Sacred Heart Parish
450 Pigeon Rd
Williams Lake, BC
V2G 2A9
UPDATED: May 22, 2020
Dear Parishioners,
I hope and trust that all of you are healthy and weathering the pandemic with grace and patience. I miss seeing you at Mass and throughout the community.
After meeting today with the Bishop and other priests of the diocese, I can tell you that we will be resuming public Masses next weekend May 30/31. While this is not as soon as many of us would have liked, it is however, welcome news that we can worship together in person beginning on the feast of Pentecost.
There are many details that will have to be worked out in this coming week. What I can tell you is that the Masses will be limited to an attendance of 50 people. Between Fr. Raphael and myself we will be able to ensure that any who would like to attend will be able, perhaps not at the exact time they wish, but able nonetheless.
The Sunday Mass obligation has not been re-instated. That is, no one is, or should feel, obligated to attend Mass, whether Sunday or weekday. If you are sick or compromised in any way, we very strongly encourage you to stay home. While we will be instituting as many safety protocols as reasonably possible, everyone who attends does so at their own risk.
We also are strongly encouraging you to use a mask while attending Mass. We are working to make sure that we have masks in case one forgets or does not have access, but we recommend bringing your own masks.
In order to maintain the 50-person limit, we will be creating a sign up for the scheduled Masses. We are also going to need many volunteers to help with the celebration of Mass, and if you are able, not sick and not susceptible to the virus, please consider assisting.
For those who are unable to attend Mass at this time, we will very much continue to miss you, yet you have not, and will not be forgotten. Although not a substitute for Mass there will still be a live streaming of daily Mass, and if there is anything else, we can do for you, please let us know
While we look forward to being with you again, please know that our being together will not be as it was previously, and there may be a few rough patches as we work to figure out how to best accommodate the parish with the guidelines given us by the Diocese. As you have already been so kind and patient throughout these last weeks and months, I appeal again to your patience and charity as we come back together beginning on the feast of Pentecost.
In Christ,
Paul Simms
UPDATED: March 23, 2020
Dear Parishioners of Sacred Heart,
Following the latest letter from our Bishop all public Masses (Sunday and weekdays) are immediately suspended until further notice. Also, any public gatherings including Stations of the Cross and Adoration. Confessions are still available.
During this trying time we want the parish, especially the church, to be a place of comfort, peace and prayer. As such, we are going to make the church available for you should you desire to take some quiet time with the Lord. If not open, please ask the office, or contact a priest and we can open the church.
The sacrament of confession is still available. We will use the sacristy as our confessional, or another suitable place if needed or desired. Feel free to contact the parish if you desire the sacrament.
If you know of someone in need during this time, please let us know as we would like to assist them, especially our seniors and those unable to go out themselves.
Finally, please know that even if you’re not at Mass, the Mass is still being said and offered for you and you have not been forgotten. Both Fr. Raphael and I are praying for all of you.
God bless,
Fr Paul Simms
Diocese of Kamloops
March 23, 2020
Reverend and dear Fathers and Deacons,
As the crisis brought about by COVID-19 continues to intensify and with keeping the health and safety of our faithful and the community at large of utmost importance, I am directing that all Sunday and weekday Masses be cancelled effective immediately until further notice. This cancellation includes all other parish gatherings.
As in my previous message, but this time at your discretion, I ask that for the good of the community, that the church remain open for private prayer and Adoration. Please ensure that when you do so, you adhere strictly to the directives of our provincial and national authorities on public gatherings.
Further communication on Holy Week will be forthcoming.
Let us all unite ourselves to the Passion of our Lord Jesus and allow His strength to lead us in serving the faithful under our care and pray that through His steadfast love and power to deliver us from this evil and distress.
Please use all the communication vehicles at your disposal to ensure that this message is received in your parishes especially our seniors, those who have serious medical conditions who are most vulnerable and those who do not have access to the internet and social media.
Fraternally in Christ,
Joseph Phuong Nguyen
Bishop of Kamloops